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Commentary: Goodbye Boracay, hello Tagaytay – less well-known places could be the future for domestic travel

Nu bibendum erat ac nunc scelerisque euismod. Cras vehicula, ex vitae gravida suscipit, nibh ex dapibus eros, quis tincidunt mi turpis sed dolor.

Commentary: Goodbye Boracay, hello Tagaytay – less well-known places could be the future for domestic travel
  • Praesent pharetra, sem in elementum aliquet, erat neque ultricies velit, sit amet venenatis lectus felis et lacus.
  • Mauris varius neque vitae ligula vulputate, at pretium dolor imperdiet.
  • Integer sagittis gravida pretium. Quisque ac lorem quis nunc varius porta vitae in enim.
  • Mauris varius neque vitae ligula vulputate, at pretium dolor imperdiet.
  • Integer sagittis gravida pretium. Quisque ac lorem quis nunc varius porta vitae in enim.

How has this progressed over the years?

  • There had been much progress regarding the position of women in Singapore society over the years.

  • Women had become better represented in politics as well as in senior management positions.

  • The issue of gender equality had to go beyond such matrices of performance to become something.


How might this affect you?

How might this affect you?
How might this affect you?

“Women in Singapore have progressed significantly over the years, but more can be done to examine issues that affect women at home, in schools, workplaces and the community. 

When we say women have choices, are they real choices? Are they able to fulfil their potential, be the best that they can be, in an unencumbered fashion that does not require them to settle for second best?”


How Short might this affect you?

Women in Singapore have progressed significantly over the years, but more can be done to examine issues that affect women at home, in schools, workplaces and the community.


How Long might this affect you?

“Women in Singapore have progressed significantly over the years, but more can be done to examine issues that affect women at home, in schools, workplaces and the community.

When we say women have choices, are they real choices? Are they able to fulfil their potential, be the best that they can be, in an unencumbered fashion that does not require them to settle for second best?”

“Women in Singapore have progressed significantly over the years, but more can be done to examine issues that affect women at home, in schools, workplaces and the community.

When we say women have choices, are they real choices? Are they able to fulfil their potential, be the best that they can be, in an unencumbered fashion that does not require them to settle for second best?”


amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum erat ex, condimentum vel enim quis, mollis dignissim turpis. Nam eu dui at ligula volutpat vestibulum. Aenean eleifend orci elit, non tincidunt dolor porta et.

Image inside text
Image inside text caption

Duis volutpat mauris turpis, sed eleifend enim laoreet vel. Aenean in volutpat ex. In maximus lacus erat, ac cursus magna accumsan in. Ut pharetra ultricies suscipit. Praesent eget mollis metus, vel eleifend sem. Aliquam et suscipit ipsum. Aliquam consectetur consequat lacus sit amet suscipit.

Image caption overwrite
00:11 Min

Video description here A-Frame in Time explores life in Singapore between colonialism and self governance Updated again @connect 12345



sed iaculis nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi tristique nunc in mauris maximus rutrum.

Praesent pharetra, sem in elementum aliquet, erat neque ultricies velit, sit amet venenatis lectus felis et lacus. Donec lectus tellus, molestie et tincidunt ac, accumsan quis tortor. Mauris a risus facilisis, pretium ligula quis, cursus enim.

  • Maecenas eget metus vel neque suscipit blandit nec blandit dolor. Ut rhoncus tempus tincidunt. Ut leo nisl, commodo finibus dapibus in, tristique a eros. Donec pharetra efficitur augue, et auctor magna ornare quis.
  • Duis molestie, velit varius vehicula pulvinar, mauris lacus pellentesque augue, ac pellentesque eros sem et sapien.
  • Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer gravida, augue eget aliquam vehicula, lacus magna semper elit, eu dictum mi massa vitae enim. Duis sed iaculis nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi tristique nunc in mauris maximus rutrum.

Mauris varius neque vitae ligula vulputate, at pretium dolor imperdiet. Curabitur elementum ante in nulla feugiat, sed dignissim nisi aliquet. Vestibulum molestie viverra diam dignissim ultrices. Praesent nec facilisis massa, eget venenatis erat. Vestibulum maximus blandit justo eget gravida. Donec eu lorem elementum, ornare dolor vitae, dignissim quam.

Pellentesque bibendum pretium velit. Duis ac tempus mi. Nunc consectetur sem aliquet mi sollicitudin sollicitudin. Nullam feugiat tellus neque, a hendrerit tellus mattis eleifend. Donec auctor finibus mi, vel blandit risus ultrices vitae. Vivamus aliquet imperdiet elit, non viverra quam aliquet a. Sed ac mattis enim.

Source: CNA/jt/it


